ABC Metallurgicals Pvt Ltd is a medium scale manufacturer engaged in producing castings (big, medium & small) for the auto industry. It proposes to set-up a new plant in the vicinity of Pune, Maharashtra and their MD has approached you to design their Compensation structure. Explain briefly how you would proceed from the principles. (10 marks)
The M.D of a big hospital has approached you to solve the problem of manpower attrition. It seems that good people are being recruited but they are leaving after two or three years which is not only hampering service to patients but is also affecting the hospital’s reputation. He wants you to study the situation and recommend appropriate strategies. What will your strategy be to improve the situation in the hospital? (10 marks)
Get-well hospitals is a reputed chain of hospitals in the southern part of the country and recently they have decided to open a branch in a city in Western India. As a first step they had advertised for the position of “Staff Nurses” with nursing qualification and adequate experience. From the numerous applicants they selected fifteen ladies from diverse background, w.r.t age, qualification, experience, attitude, physical fitness & communication skill.
3a) The “Administrator” of that hospital wants you to design an appropriate scheme so that they can rank these ladies (from best to last) and give them the compensation befitting their worth to the orgn. Discuss the “scheme” that you would design to assess these ladies. Their requisite Job Description & Job Specification is given below. (5 marks)
b) You are requested to suggest how the selected persons can be compensated. (5 marks)